Well it's been about a month since our last issue, hopefully this slightly bigger then average issue will make up for the delay!
We have added a title page to the issue and will be from now in a hopes to spark YOU into submitting your great photos to make the cover. So send them along
You can contact us at tipsandtricksphotography@gmail.com or visit our website at http://tipsandtricksphotography.blogspot.com
In this issue of Tips and Tricks Photography
- Zoo Photography
- The Rules
- Creating and Maintaing a Workflow
- DOF website
- The Basics of Image Composition
We look forward to hearing form you and seeing your photos!
© Tips and Tricks Photography 2007
Where is issue 4?
I keep clicking on the links___all that I get is a loop back to the same page, nothing else. Where can I find the data?
Hi Anonymous, try clicking on the title "Tips & Tricks Photography - Issue Four"
It's linked to the PDF
Hi "Tips and Tricks Photography"
I love reading your "magcast", its amazing how it evolved in just 4 issues. I cant wait for the next dose.
I am trying hard to send you a picture for the cover, I am a newbie at D.Photography.
I dont know if this is just me, but I like getting the "magcast" once in two weeks. One fat issue in a month seems too long a period.
I love what you guys are doing, keep it up.
Hey Ajay, thanks for the comments. It's always great to hear from the readers. Yah, I know what you mean when you say you like the issues every couple of weeks. It's a little tricky to keep a schedule like that right now, but once things settle, we will try and get more out sooner. Once again thanks for the comments and send along your shots!
Hey Jeff,
Issue 5 is great, love the motion sensor tip. When I was reading issue 5, I couldn’t help but notice a small lag between image and shadow rendering. The problem is that I was able to see the black shadow appear while I scrolled before the image was rendered. This is also causing the page to stutter while scrolling. I believe it would be a lot less processor intensive if you could add the shadow to the image in Photoshop maybe and then place them in your document editor. My 2 cents.
Hey Luke, thanks for the comment, I haven't noticed it much on my machine, but it is likely dependent on your computer power. I will keep your thoughts in mind for the next issue.
I'm glad you enjoy the read
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