Another issue and things are going great, we have a couple of new contributors to this issue. We are also in the middle of developing a new section of the magazine dedicated to learning Photoshop Tips & Tricks.
We also have another great cover photo and look forward to seeing more cover photos from you.
*** Note ***
There have been a few comments about grammatical errors in this issue. There have been a few comments about grammatical errors in this issue. This is an updated version that hopefully removed most of the mistakes. My apologies for those that had to endure the read! It's likely not perfect, but hopefully more tolerable.
In this issue:
- Buying Photography Books
- Low Light Photography
- Photoshop Actions
- Protecting Your Images Online
- Walcom Tablet Review
- Photoshop Tip - Radial Blur
© Tips & Tricks Photography 2007
I chanced upon your magazine in iTunes and recently discovered your connection with Gavin Seim site! Excellent work!
p.s. - It is sad that Mr. Anonymous is so bothered by a common error. Sad also, that he remained anonymous. It gives his comment "zero credibility"!
Hi Gene, thanks so much for the kind words. It's always great to hear how people enjoy the magazine.
With respect to Mr. Anonymous being bothered with the spelling mistakes. Well honestly, I'm by no means a professional writer, I do appolgize for the spelling mistakes. I'm a photographer first. Although having said that I think you put it best, the anonymity of the comment leaves little creditability.
New to your Blog. Lots of good info.
Tried to download the actions from the PDF from Issue 6 but got a bunch of gobbledy-gook.
Advise please.
Hi Merrill,
I'm not aware of any bugs with the actions. If anyone else is having issues let me know and I will figure out another way to get them to you. One thing that might be happening is that when you download the action it doesn't have the proper file extension. For example, I have had actions open up in my text editor and just show random words, symbols that have no meaning (this might be the gobbledy-gook your talking about). Try changing the extension to .atn this is the extension of action files. If that doesn't work let me know and we can figure this issue out.
Cheers and I'm glad your enjoying the issue
Clicking on the title does not load a PDF, on any of the issues. What's up?
Subscribing in a reader only brings up the highlights page and not a PDF. Clicking on a link to an issue does not bring up a PDF. The only thing I've found that works is subscribing in itunes. You may want to look into this.
Hi Anonymous, I'm not sure why your having trouble reaching the issues. I have both mac and window machines and in both cases. Clicking on the title of the post (for example, Tips & Tricks Photography - Issue Six) does bring up the PDF. We have also been having several download from the website directly as well itunes, so I'm pretty sure that things are working good on my end. Perhaps try right clicking and Save as or Download linked file. I have also just tried to download issue six this morning and it showed up without a problem.
Hi Anonymous, as for the subscribe in a reader. This will bring you to the feedburner page. There you can choose to subscribe using various RRS readers or itunes. This is not a link to the PDF.
When I click on the Action it goes to this URL:
This is what is on the page:
�O�r�t�o�n� �E�f�f�e�c�t���������������
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But much more of it.
I'm the same anonymous that posted about difficulties earlier. When I am on the feedburner page and see the link to issue 6 (or any of them for that matter) and hover over it with the cursor, the link that shows at the bottom of the browser is
(using issue six as an example). Clicking on the link just reloads the current page and right clicking as selecting save as saves the feedburner html page and not a PDF. I will be happy to send you screenshots if you want to email me at and tell me where to send them. I use Windows and this is the same in Firefox or IE. I have developed web sites in the past and seen similar problems where links would work in the development software but not in the browsers. I'm not saying this is the case here but something isn't right. Thanks
Merrill, what your are seeing is the action displayed as codes. Try this, rather then clicking on the link, right click or if your on a mac Control click and download. After this is done, make sure the it is an .atn file, if not then change it.
That should be all you need to do. If that doesn't work send me an email and i will send along the .atn file(s) via email
Hi Anonymous, the links do work! Follow these steps.
To download the issues (one at a time)
There you will see two columns, on the left, posts of the issues and on the right things like subcriber in reader, archive, profile etc...
On the left side (i.e. the posts) click on the title of the posts (not the subscribe in reader section).
This is linked to the PDF and will load giving you issue six.
To subscribe in a feeder, click on subscribe to reader. This will bring up the RSS feed URL. Either copy this URL and paste in your own RSS program or click on the various program options presented to you by feedburner (i.e. Juice, iTunes).
Perhaps I'm not understanding your question. Hopefully this will help. If not by all means send me an email
Love the blog, but where's the next post?
I am new here. not quite sure how to get the magazine you are mentioning here. I'll keep looking and see what I can find.
Hey Tamika,
It's pretty easy to access the issues, just click on the title of the post. These are linked to the pdf files.
Also you can subscribe in the iTunes Podcast section.
Let me know if your still having problems
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